SCWO Events,  Star Shelter

Support the SCWO Service Fund’s COVID-19 response

The arrival of Covid-19 has disrupted much of our activities across society. Some felt this disruption more acutely than others. 

Lisa* is a single mother of 2 who works part-time. She relied heavily on the child maintenance provided by her husband to raise her children. With no explanation, her husband moved out earlier this year and has since stopped providing financial support. Two weeks ago, he filed for divorce. With the circuit breaker measures in place, Lisa struggled to find legal and financial aid. Aside from the emotional toll of the situation, she still had to look after her children, assisting them with home-based learning. MSC advised her on her rights as a wife and mother. She filed for child maintenance with the Courts and if successful, her husband would have to provide monthly financial support for their two children. We registered her for our legal clinic where our volunteer lawyers can advise on navigating the divorce process. With the help of MSC, Lisa is now more emotionally supported and able to make informed decisions on her situation.

While most of the country went under lockdown during the circuit breaker, the demand for some of our services rendered by our Service Fund actually increased. One example would be our Maintenance Support Central (MSC), which provides support and assistance for clients who have difficulty receiving spousal and child maintenance, or who require legal assistance. Support us in assisting women like Lisa who need our help. 

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