

These last two months have seen surges in the number of Covid-19 cases, resulting in stricter stay-at-home measures nation-wide. Despite having to work from home, the SCWO has not reduced any of our efforts to ensure that women in Singapore are supported during these trying times. Some of the measures and projects that we have undertaken during this circuit breaker period include “Safe-Entry” and “Temperature Checking” for all who visit the SCWO Centre, “Working-from-Home” and Online Campaigns.


SCWO Board Meeting

Despite needing to work from home over the last few months, our SCWO staff and board have resolved to not let it hinder any of the tasks we’ve set out to do. All Meetings, Talks and Courses are being held online along with our ever-popular New2U Thrift Shop.

We are determined to carry out our day-to-day activities as normally as possible, even if that meant having to learn to use new communication platforms such as Zoom. We’ve even learnt to adapt these methods to our bigger events, including our upcoming AGM.

SCWO Staff Meeting

Moving forward, we will continue to remain adaptable in the face of change and hope that our actions will inspire others to continue to be adaptable and positive about change;  we want to be able to set an example for other organisations like ours out there.


The Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO) worked with MSF and MHA to start an online campaign that aimed to provide regular tips and information for those experiencing domestic violence. The domestic violence-related infographics and information were circulated on various social media platforms as well as sent to the over 60 NGOs that are the SCWO’s member organisations. This information is able to reach more than 500,000 women in Singapore through SCWO alone but with the help of MSF’s and MHA’s platforms, it has allowed us to reach out to the general public.

Find more of these tips here.


We The Good is a campaign in partnership with NVPC, that pledges to support crucial fundraising initiatives under three causes: Mental Health, Migrant Workers and Individuals & Families At Risk. As Star Shelter has been selected as a beneficiary, the campaign has created a giving.sg platform to raise funds and promote awareness for survivors of domestic violence.

You may find out more about this campaign here.


The Singapore Alliance of Women in Ageing (SAWA), an alliance between SCWO, AWARE, PPIS and Tsao Foundation, that focuses on promoting the independence, care, participation, dignity and self-fulfilment of older women, has been actively looking at ways to improve the status of older women in Singapore through research. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, SAWA has embarked on a research project to understand the impact of the outbreak on female caregivers of older persons.

We would like to take this moment to say a big thank you to the members who provided us with contacts for the interview process. Your help was greatly appreciated.

More information will be shared on this in due time.

SWHF Heritage Walk


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