Project Awesome

Project Awesome puts up newly revamped exhibition at CHIJ Katong Convent

On Monday 15th May, the Project Awesome team put up the newly revamped edition of the roving exhibition at CHIJ Katong Convent. Presented in its thematic colour schemes, the exhibition featured a selection of 16 stories of women across five themes – Taking The Helm, Action and Adventure, Stepping Up For STEM, Creativity and Communication, and Caring and Sharing.  

The stories featured were those of CHIJ alumni and were displayed over the course of two weeks for students and teachers. As part of their Founder’s Day celebrations, the students were invited to view the exhibition after assembly on Wednesday, 24th May. They later shared their reflections upon reading the featured stories of women.

The students shared that they enjoyed the exhibition of how the stories captured interesting and empowering facts about women in Singapore. The teachers also felt that the stories featured were insightful and educational and that the exhibition portrayed the tenacity and pioneering spirit of these women. 


Written by : Stacy Huang

SWHF Heritage Walk


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