StarShelter WEBBanner

The Star Shelter is a direct service of SCWO and has been running for more than 20 years. It is the only secular shelter for women in Singapore. It is a safe space for women and children who are survivors of family violence. 

Apart from providing them with accommodation, clothing, and food, we also cater to their emotional needs with therapy and educational programmes. We have helped more than 2,000 women and children rebuild their lives, and we are looking to expand our services.

With a capacity of 28 beds, Star Shelter provides a safe temporary refuge for women and children survivors of family violence regardless of race, language, creed or religion. It is a place where they can heal from the trauma of abuse. We empower the survivors to manage and take responsibility for their lives by assisting them in rebuilding their lives free from violence.

Star Shelter takes a holistic approach in helping all residents meet their practical needs and emotional needs.

Newly renovated Star Shelter dormitory (2022)

All the residents are referred by the Family Court, Family Service Centres, the Police, Hospitals and other Agencies.

Apart from providing meals and lodging, Star Shelter also provides Trauma/Crisis counselling and Case Management.

Through the “Rebuild” Program, we provide a one-time financial aid to assist Survivors in paying for transport expenses while looking for employment and a no-interest home loan, which enables Survivors to start setting up a new home.

The Star Shelter provides an essential service, which is in short supply in our community.

While the government does provide a grant to help defray some of the Shelter’s costs, the remaining amount is raised by SCWO through fundraising projects and the goodwill of various individual donors.


Referral Procedure

If you are a victim, or if you know someone who is a victim, you should either:

  • Make a report at the nearest neighbourhood police centre
  • Make a report at the nearest hospital if there is a physical injury
  • Approach the nearest Family Service Centre, who will appoint a case worker to assess the situation before making a referral to the shelter.

The referral must be made from a Family Service Centre on MSF standard form and emailed to management.

The shelter will consider self-referrals on a case-by-case basis.

Criteria for Admission
Persons who intend to seek refuge at the shelter must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Is a victim of violence
  • Females between 21 to 60 years of age
  • Children of the victim (if the child is male, he must be of 12 years and below)
  • Has no physical or mental issues that require monitoring
  • Not physically disabled

Condition of Stay
Each victim can stay a maximum of three months. During the stay, the victim must demonstrate a willingness to work towards the resolution of her issues—actively seeking alternative accommodation, jobs, etc. The shelter reserves the right to evict at any time when it is felt that the victim is not taking ownership of her own problems or there is undesirable behaviour on the part of the victim.

To protect the victims in the shelter, the location of the shelter cannot be publicised.

*** Please note that the shelter is currently NOT ACCEPTING donations. Last updated: 1 April 2024.

Office Hours 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Weekends & Public Holidays Closed
SWHF Heritage Walk


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